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Is the steel ball of the ball mill affect the grinding effect?

The mineral mill steel ball hardness will have some effect on the grinding effect. There may be two adverse effects:

1. When the steel ball is too high, the ball is in contact with the ball. Sliding, it is not possible to effectively engage the mineral particles between the ball to weaken the grinding of the mineral particles.

2. Steel ball rebound is serious, resulting in partial energy loss in the rebound, so steel ball energy is not more useful for crushing, so affecting breaking.

Is the steel ball of the ball mill affect the grinding effect? About the effect of steel ball density on milling, generally, the same size is large, small productivity, small density. Steel ball density is affected by three aspects:

1. Materials, steel, cast iron, alloy steel, etc. The density and content are different.

2. Effects of steel balls, martensite, austenite, bainite, ferrite, etc., different crystal structures, different crystal structures, and effects on crystallization.

3. The impact of the steel ball manufacturing method, rolling and forging steel balls have dense, so that the density is large, cast steel ball, cast iron ball or casting gold ball, etc. Even in which air holes are there, the density will be small.